Leak Information

Minor Leak:
For water conservation purposes, we ask that you find and eliminate the leak within thirty (30) days from the date of this notice. If the leak continues past the allowed thirty days your water will be shut off until you affect repairs. If you have a compelling reason why the interruption of your service would cause a hardship, you may request a reasonable extension of time for your plumbing repair. Please submit your reason in writing.
Major Leak:
For water conservation purposes, we will have to shut your water service off and will notify you of this action. If you have a compelling reason why the interruption of your service causes you a hardship, either personally or for business reasons, we will restore your service for a period of time not to exceed 7 days, during which time you must take immediate steps to eliminate the water leak. If the leak is not eliminated within 7 days, the Authority Manager will determine, at his sole discretion, whether or not to shut off the water meter until the appropriate repairs are made.